Step 4: Move the slider two positions down from its default location to take full responsibility for your actions.
Step 3: Move the slider one position down to still be notified, but also have access to the rest of the desktop. Step 2: Click to Change User Account Control settings to bring up the menu. Step 1: Click the Action Center tray icon, and choose to Open Action Center. In case you’re curious and you want to know how to deactivate them, go through the following steps.
One is more persistent, asking for permission to run most of the new programs downloaded or copied from external devices, while the other is more concerned about digital signature and is less likely to be encountered. There are two features with which Microsoft tries to warn you of possible threats. Another method is to take full responsibility for your actions, disable all prompts, and hope that all goes well. But then again, there’s not a single one that can fully protect your system. One solution is to install an antivirus application you fully trust. In Windows it can get a little frustrating, with many prompts asking for permission to run nearly everything you download from the web. For your own safety, operating systems come with a basic layer of protection.